
02 February 2010

Cute little shoes!

While looking for ideas for a 'Nina Bettina' skirt (I think it's  supposed to be red, cut on a circle, and very swirly with some kind of of pretty finishing on the bottom), I came across this fascinating website where you can buy e-patterns for all sorts of interesting projects.

Of course, I had to take a look, didn't I?  They have some fabulous ideas and I soon fell in love with a pattern for some very special 'booties' or little shoes, if you'd prefer.  They'd be perfect for a Christening ceremony. I really like the lace finished pair in the middle. They're quite gorgeous. 

There are some cute little 'kitty' shoes/booties too, although my preggie-chickie didn't like them. 

Lots of instructions and lots of ideas on too.  Woodworking, jewellery and beading, photography... I could get lost there.

Take a look and let me know what you think...

April Blackbird


ChickieChirps said...

Cute! I found a couple more you might like too... (Don't think preggie-chick would go for these, but they are funny) (I have just sent this book to Claire, so she should have this pattern)


ChickieChirps said...

I love the pattern! It's just gorgeous.

April Blackbird