
12 November 2009

The move is on!... dah, dah, dah, dah, da... the move is on!

Well, it's probably a little early in the morning for my London chicks, but they'll be starting the big move today. 

Madame et Monsieur Cholet et chickadees move to their new nest. In the same suburb mind!  So not far from friends and family and all things familiar.

I am thinking of them and wish I could be there to help. Moving with a 5 month old baby and a 2 (nearly 3 now) year old should be interesting and we're all looking forward to Madame Cholet's account of Dolphin Chicks assessment of her new nest. Let's hope she likes it nearly as much as she did that holiday nest in Cornwall! 

Here's wishing my chickies dry carpets, happy moving, and a good nights sleep tonight.

April Blackbird

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