
02 March 2010

Anyone read any good books lately?

Thirty years ago a group of young mothers in Mulbarton, South Africa got together and started a book club. 

We all had young children, liked to read, were a long way from the nearest (decent) library and didn't have much money to spend on books.  We'd been swapping books between us for ages and thought we should do it formally.

Once a month, on a Thursday evening after dinner, we got together for tea, cake and a very good yak fest. Nobody discussed the books much until it was time to choose some to read before we left for home.  You had to be a 'friend' or a 'friend of a friend' before you were allowed to join.  That way, we didn't loose too many books over the years.

We all made a donation to the hostess and she used the money to buy books she wanted to read.  The books were added to the box which was then passed on to the next hostess... that box is still doing the rounds.  It was a great system.  When everyone had read the books, the person who'd purchased them took them home and loaned them to her family. 

We can't exactly share books via this blog, but I'd really like to hear about what you're reading at the moment... 

April Blackbird

PS  Many of the original group still keep in regular contact! 

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